I'd had a series of bad experiences centred around the removal of a faulty bridge. The result was a three-tooth wide gap in the middle upper front of my mouth and a profound distrust of dentists - in fact I fervently hoped to never set foot inside a dental surgery again!
However I needed to do something about the gap as I could not properly talk, eat or smile. A temporary plastic denture supplied by the NHS left me feeling pretty depressed from the moment I first used it. Would I really have to put up with something like this for the rest of my life? It felt big and clunky and although I could just about talk while wearing it I could not eat properly or enjoy food. What to do? I had been told the gap would not support dental implants (not that I could afford them) and I had by then lost all faith in dentists anyway. I wondered if I could go directly to a technician to get a decent partial denture made and fitted; one that would have minimal impact in my mouth so that not only could I talk and smile but also taste and enjoy food again.
I contacted Mark via his website and we met to discuss options. I was reassured that he could create a lightweight metal-based partial denture of a minimalistic design that would meet my personal user requirements while not breaking the bank. Working directly with Mark also meant there would not be weeks of return trips to a dentist for fittings and fine tuning - all the mouldings and refinements to produce the finished product were completed at Mark's premises, meaning that although no attention was spared, the whole process was quick and easy.
Part of the deal was a referral by Mark to a local dental practice that he works with in close partnership. I can happily say that this practice wholly restored my faith in dentists - they carried out a detailed and thorough examination of my mouth prior to Mark's work and went to great lengths to explain my situation. True professionals.
I am thoroughly at ease with my new denture and the whole experience of Mark and his dental partners has been such a wonderful contrast to the sloppy service and products I had earlier been provided, via both private and NHS practices.
So, many genuine thanks to Mark and his partners in Bath.
Ian Todd.
Bath Denture Service
53 Purlewent Drive
Weston Village
Bath - BA1 4BB
Phone: 01225 336623
Mobile: 07981 110797
Email: info@bathdentureservice.com
Owner: Mark Ely, DipCDT,RCS,Eng
Registered Clinical Dental Technician